
2nd Floor,
3600 Lysander Lane,
Richmond, BC V7B 1C3

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Building an Integrated Sustainability Strategy

We are building a global sustainability strategy to guide the new integrated company. Our goal is to take the best from each company’s legacy program but also dream big based on our stakeholders’ feedback. During this process, we are committed to being transparent and keeping our stakeholders up-to-date on our progress. Until the new brand and website are launched, this page will serve as a temporary platform to share our work with our stakeholders.

For legacy sustainability reporting, visit: 

We welcome your feedback and questions. 

Please contact us at: sustainability@domtar.com

Developing a global sustainability strategy during a business integration is an exciting opportunity. It allows us to take the best from each company’s legacy program and then dream big for the future. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished so far.

After gathering thoughts from hundreds of stakeholders, we’ve developed three strategic pillars with nine focus areas. This work reflects what is important to the communities, customers and stakeholders we work with and forms the bedrock of our global sustainability strategy.
View our Strategic Pillars & Focus Areas here.

To keep our stakeholders in the loop, we’re providing bimonthly updates about the work we’ve done and what we plan to tackle next.

Taking Action on Climate

Paper Excellence Group stewards renewable, sustainable, fossil-free forest resources that play an important role in fighting climate change.

Our climate-focused actions and ambitions include aligning legacy company goals with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and achieving significant greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reductions. The Group’s climate team brings fresh ideas and perspectives, while our Global Carbon Committee provides strategic vision, expertise and accountability.

Our objective is continued decrease of our GHG emissions. We are working with technical experts to determine an appropriate global target. In the meantime, we demonstrate our firm commitment to climate action by disclosing through reputable international frameworks like CDP, in line with leading global standards.


Each legacy company offers products that are certified to independent, third-party standards to customers seeking an additional level of assurance of the responsible way our products are made. 

We are working with our certification partners and North American operations to understand how we can integrate our certification programs in the future.


In addition to the support we give to the communities where we work and live, we have partnered with organizations that promote responsible forestry, support wildlife habitats and fund related research. These kinds of partnerships can bring a variety of NGO-based skills, expertise and experience that can help the company reach its long-term goals.