
2nd Floor,
3600 Lysander Lane,
Richmond, BC V7B 1C3

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Paper Excellence is a diversified manufacturer of pulp and paper, including printing and writing, packaging, and specialty papers. We believe in the enduring value of wood-based products in global markets and have built a large network of mills and chipping plants to produce them competitively. Through our distinct approach to operational excellence, we deliver high-quality and cost-effective products to international customers.


Paper Excellence Canada has evolved from a single mill to a significant entity in the pulp and paper manufacturing sector, a group producing 2.5 million tonnes of product annually and employing over 2,100 people. Through innovation and adaptability, we provide cellulose based products at the lowest possible cost. We will constantly improve the global competitiveness of our customers, while enhancing the sustainability of our manufacturing operations, and the well-being of the communities in which we operate. From producing quality products and delivering them to our customers on time, to working to ensure everyone makes it home safely at the end of the day, it’s our employees who make the difference.

Paper Excellence Canada finalized the acquisition of Catalyst Paper Corporation on March 15, 2019. This included Catalyst’s three mills located in Crofton, Port Alberni and Powell River, its Surrey Distribution Centre and headquarters in Richmond, BC. This acquisition expands our reach within pulp and paper manufacturing, adding printing papers, specialty and packaging paper to Paper Excellence’s product range, and increasing pulp production to service customers worldwide.

Learn more about Paper Excellence Group, the private equity holding company that owns Paper Excellence Canada among other business units.

Through innovation and adaptability, we provide cellulose based products at lowest possible cost. We will constantly improve the global competitiveness of our customers, while enhancing the sustainability of our manufacturing operations, and the well-being of the communities in which we operate.

To be a profitable, sustainable, and globally competitive fibre products provider that is environmentally and economically beneficial to all stakeholders.

From producing high quality products and delivering them to our customers on time, to working to ensure everyone makes it home safely at the end of the day, it’s our employees who make the difference.


Health & Safety Health and Safety

Without Compromise, Health and Safety is Our Most Important Core Value.




Each of Us Commits to Being Held Accountable – Constantly and Consistently.




We are Determined to be the Best, through Individual Effort and by Working Together.




We Will Take Action Every Day to Enhance Our Shared Values of Honesty, Trust, Integrity and inclusivity. By Doing so, We Inspire Excellence!

Guiding Our Employees

At Paper Excellence Canada, our Code of Conduct (the Code) provides the framework for all our operations and sets out the standards of behaviour for PEC employees. The Code is based on our core values and is structured to outline principles to assist each of us in how we conduct ourselves and our business. It gives us the tools we need as we work together building our business on a solid base of ethics and integrity, providing direction on maintaining our creditability in the marketplace, and in the communities in which we operate.

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

Whistleblower Policy



12 Amazing Facts

Every day, incredible stories of skill and science take place at our Paper Excellence mills around the world. These facts reflect the extraordinary technologies that we utilize to make our products and the amazing talents that our employees demonstrate in maintaining and operating our facilities to proudly manufacture our pulps and papers.

Every year, we award 34 scholarships to deserving students who are graduating from high school and undertaking post-secondary education.
The average length pulp fibre within our products is only about 5 mm long but creates incredible finished products like tissue, towel, surgical gowns, paper, and packaging; and it is one of only a few products that come from fully renewable resources (forests) that are 100% recyclable.
Cars Gone
Since 1990, our company and our facilities have eliminated almost 2 million tonnes of greenhouse gases through modernization projects and closure of old, inefficient mills; this is equivalent to taking about 500,000 cars permanently off the road.
Our paper must be hung from over 5.9 km high to break under its own weight. Low carbon steel has a breaking length of only about 4.7 km.
Per Tonne
Every tonne of pulp and paper that we produce on average injects about $1,500 into the economy creating direct and indirect jobs, paying for our supply chain ingredients, supporting local businesses, creating demand at restaurants and paying local taxes.
School Buses
Our Meadow Lake mill compresses each of its 440 lb pulp bales with the pressure equivalent to 214 school buses stacked on top of each other.
Every year, we grow 6 million seedlings in our Nova Scotian nursery for replanting of 7,500 acres of Canadian forests.
We self-generate enough green electricity to support consumption from 200,000 typical North American family homes.
In 2018, the company purchased over 110,000 pairs of gloves (of numerous varieties) to help protect employee’s hands.
Renewable Sources
Our energy basket is made up of 85% renewable sources like biomass fuel and hydroelectric power. On average, US renewable energy makes up only 17% of the grid.
Of Tubing
Our largest boiler has almost 35km of tubing that converts water to steam for our pulping, drying and electricity generation processes.
Our oldest mill, which is one of the most modern in British Columbia today, was established in 1909 as the first of its kind on the coast.