Violations of the Code of Conduct and all applicable government laws, rules and regulations (including, but not limited to, the following):
Harassment of any kind.
Fraudulent acts or theft.
Bribery or corruption.
Risks to health, security, or the reputation of the Company.
Compliance with all applicable environmental legislation, regulation, and other requirements applicable to the Company.
Inaccurate reporting of any Company business or financial records.
Misuse of Company assets or information.
Unauthorized removal of Company product, equipment or information, or theft, through embezzlement or intentional misreporting of time or expenses.
Use of Company assets out of work or in an outside venture or using Company materials or equipment to support personal interests.
Engaging in personal activities during work hours that interfere with or prevent you from fulfilling your job responsibilities.
Use of Company computers and equipment for outside businesses or for illegal or unethical activities such as gambling, pornography, or other offensive subject matter.
Financial gains earned from knowledge due to a position at the Company or through the use of Company property or information.
Disclosure of non-public information to anyone outside the Company.
Conflicts of interest, such as: Investments that could affect, or appear to affect, one’s decision making on behalf of the Company.
Financial investment in a supplier, without prior written approval.
Employment outside of the Company, without prior approval.
Use the Company’s reputation or assets, including one’s time at work, to further your own political activities or interests.
Interaction with identified terrorist organizations or narcotics traffickers, individuals or companies that are sanctioned by any Government.
Inappropriate or preferential treatment during the staffing process, contractual awards to external parties, or any other exercise of responsibility.
Granting preferential treatment or advantages to family, friends, or any other person or entity is considered to give rise to a conflict of interest.
Engaging in any illegal or illicit activity to obtain competitive information.