Moose Hide Campaign 2024

Moose Hide Campaign in Kimberely and Cranbrook

This is the third year that Sam McCurdie, a Skookumchuck mill employee, has organized a Moose Hide campaign in collaboration with other community organizers. It will take place on May 16th, in Cranbrook from 10am to 11am, and then in Kimberley from 1pm to 2pm. Starting off with an opening ceremony by Chief Joe Pierre, with drummers from the Numa-Ka‘kin group playing throughout the event. Guest speakers will then share their wisdom on domestic violence, gender-based violence, and fostering healthy relationships.

The first half of the event will be about healthy relationships targeting elementary school children, and the second half will focus on gender-based violence. McCurdie himself will also be a guest speaker. This campaign is open to everyone who wants to participate.

In support of this noble cause, Paper Excellence’s Skookumchuck mill donated $1,000. The donation will contribute towards the drummer and guest speaker honorariums.

“I feel that accountability is very important, mostly for us men to be aware of what is going on in our communities,” Sam McCurdie expresses when asked about his reason for organizing this event. “When we step up, we can really affect a lot of positive change. The statistics highlight the need for change; there is a lot of change that needs to happen.”

“We are anticipating a larger audience than the two previous years. This year we have two communities involved and more schools intending to join us. We expect to have a couple hundred kids from each community attending,” said McCurdie 

 “The biggest takeaway is to talk about our language when discussing issues like this. Our language is powerful and it’s time to make sure women and members of LGBTQIA2S+ community feel safe,” McCurdie emphasizes. “It’s crucial to teach boys to express their emotions in a non-violent way.”

The Moose Hide campaign was founded in 2011 by a father and a daughter. It has evolved into a nationwide movement of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians. Its mission is to engage men and boys in combating violence against women and children. There is a disproportionate number of women who are victims, and we value the importance of engaging men and boys in addressing this issue to prevent domestic violence.