Attracting Talent – From a Global Market

Paper Excellence Canada and many other companies have increasingly had to expand their geographic scope in the search for talent. Today, with a shrinking labour force as one-in-five Canadians approach retirement, filling the many vacancies that occur each year is increasingly a global exercise.

How best to attract and retain foreign-born talent was the focus of one of the employee teams in Paper Excellence Canada’s Dynamic Leadership Program (DLP) in 2023 – a mini-MBA-style development opportunity through which participants tackle current business challenges.

Key among the team’s conclusions was how vital it is to provide good information on the unique attributes of the communities Paper Excellence Canada operates in, and on how to navigate tasks like getting a driver’s license and accessing health care and other services; along with effective mentorship.

Such resources make it easier for foreign-born recruits – as well as for their spouses and families – to make informed decisions and to better settle in and thrive after a relocation. Along with professional and social mentorship, that increases the likelihood they will stay for the long term.

The need to integrate new employees from diverse points of origins and backgrounds – rather than attempting to assimilate them – was another key conclusion of the team, and dovetails well with broader corporate efforts to develop a robust Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program.

Hear further perspective from DLP Team Member Emily on the unique value of global talent.