Northern Pulp Transformation
Overview of Project
We are transforming the mill (paragraph)
2020 – 2021 Consultation
What got us here? Include ELC report (paragraph)
Mill Transformation:
Build Community Trust
- Data transparency
- 3rd party testing
- Permanent ELC
- Pictou preference in procurement
- PLFN partnership
Improve Air Quality
- No odour in normal operations
- Lower emission levels
Treat Water Well
- Use less water
- Use less chemicals
- NEW best in class ETF (primary and secondary onsite systems)
- Addition of tertiary treatment system (first in Canada)
- Release similar water back to its source and close to mill in estuary
- No pipeline necessary
Modernize Mill Site
- Remove excess tanks
- Remove un-needed stacks
- Reclad entire building
- Replace site fencing and undertake new landscaping plan
Align Forestry Practices with Lahey
- Categorize the NP-owned lands for each of the Lahey triad designations
- Encourage woodlot owners to apply Lahey principles to their lands
- Continue to provide public access to NP lands
- Work with Community Groups to designate important NP-owned lands for parks, reserves or ecologically-important uses
Regulatory Process
what we are applying for, new and different from last two version (paragraph)
Project Description Document
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